Rachel's Tutorial


Rachel tutorial was understandable- the meeting with her was just recap on the synopsis and the roles that have been done I was the director, Klara- Camera op and Andre- Dop. I'm going to be honest and say I'm pretty daunted to taking the role of the director, however I will try my best to deliver what is necessary. 

The narrative of the film won't be done like traditional, format like beginning to end, we want the film to be ambiguous in her of if she is dancing for a real performance of if this is all in her mind, so it  that concept of asking the question of reality vs imagination. Focus on they way we can portray this either in post production or storyboard.

Aim and Target


The aim of the next coming week is to have an interview with the dancer that we have found and getting to know her, to understand  her background and the journey she went through in the dance industry asking her questions and interviewing  her in addition see if we can incorporated this in our dance video.  Also have to do some test shot on the types of dancer moves she can do using examples that we did for the two dancers in Rachel's dancer workshop.  


Music is our primary source and it have to be effective for the audience to be moved  the dancer, the music drives the action forward, so the music we were looking to was orchestra, cinematic music, something that have a powerful beat, with great symphony. So we will need to make a music palette a collection of music that fit the type of mood that we were looking for. 


Same goes with the colour making a colour palette on the type of colours the we might need, and the meaning of the colours we are after, as in soul is the being, thought process, the body goes with the mental journey, light will be the reflection of her emotional state.

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