Skype Call


So unfortunately we didn't have time to do a meeting  in the afternoon however we did do a Skype call, we first discuss on the possible ideas and changes done from the narrative.

Andre had the treatment, we decide  that when we first met Malfalda that we should use her story of her grandma died, and the fact that she is the only person in her family take the dancing career  and the reason as to why she had to stop dancing, however we needed her permission first, if she is willing to do so.

Andre's treatment

The beginning
The scene starts with the dancer sitting alone isolated from everyone being very distant and to herself. She is in deep contemplation focusing on a big decision she has to make, in her hand lies a flyer casting auditions for a dance performance at the Royal Albert Hall. The event will be filled with talent scouts dance academy representatives and members of the press. She is aware that this is a huge opportunity for her which can open many doors and help develop her as a dancer. However following the passing of her grandmother as well as her early career as a dancer which she gave up on, she is pondering whether this would be the best decision for her go back in to dance an pursue this opportunity. Coming from a family which did not approve of her decision to dance her grandmother was the one who encouraged and supported her, the dancers parents pursued careers in science and engineering and do not consider dance as a real profession.

The first step is always the hardest. Should she take a leap of faith and dive back in to the world she once adored? or just give up on the idea and go in to a field of study similar to her parents. She sits completely focused, studying the leaflet with such intense stares torn between the two decisions. As she sits there a scene will cut to her in a room where she is standing in front of old medals trophies and pictures of her dancing when she was little( subject to change) she cracks a small smirk as she begins to reminisce her past and how much she enjoyed it. We cut back to her sitting alone gripping the paper she then relaxes her hand as we cut to a scene in which she is sitting by a table with a picture of her grandmother (subject to change) it is here where she begins to think about life without dance. With both optioned rigorously studied and examined along with the memory of her dancing history and family she has made her decision. Still holding on to the paper she stands up with a look of courage and focus she slowly closes her eyes and breathes in, the camera slowly starts to zoom in to her eyes as they begin to close, the sound of her breathing and heart beat becomes more apparent.
As the camera reaches her eyes when they close (extreme close up)
the screen suddenly then fades to black, a faint red light begins flashing down towards a figure which lies on the floor (Birds eyes view) in the foetal position as like a child in the womb, the subtle sound of the heart beat and breathing becomes more noticeable as it slowly increases as well as the flashing of the red light upon the figure. The camera starts to zoom outwards and slowly fades to black, we now return to her closed eyes the camera then slowly zooms out and her eyes open quickly with a powerful stare, this time she is in a new location with different clothing she is now in a dance studio wearing the required clothing where she begins her journey of preparation and practice for the audition.

So instead of it starting with the dancer finding the sheet, we jump straight to the part where she is making the decision on the dance performance.


This is a mood board that we a likely to concentrate on, shots to show deep focus, concentrating on the aim goal, having lots of close up shot and medium shots on the face showing expressions of the face. The Game before the Game:Film Present by Dre This is one of the exmple that we were going to look at

Examples of shots we might use
This is an example to show the dolly shot that slowly goes toward the eyes of the camera while she closes her eyes to the (bird eye view) of the 'soul' .

We decided we wanted to incorporate the slide cam, to have that really soft glide camera movement toward her eyes.  


This shot is also when she open her eyes sharply with a determination on the face to show that she have made the decision and the 'soul' within her is beginning the become alive, something that she once knew or almost forgotten is beginning to 'spiral up' once more. 

 'The beginning of the soul' so  the camera will  slowly  rotating to around in a bird eye view shot.

 As much as we would like to do this shot we are still struggling on how to do this shot without using a crane


This video is an examples as to the type of shot we will most likely use in our dance video in terms of camera movement.

Andre had an idea of using full mask, for the 'soul' to show no facial feature almost not human.  


This is an example of the location that we might want in the scene like field when she is preparing the moves by her self in a big field, having that big open space to freely dance and express herself in her own way.  There are just some shot that we took by from Richie McCaw in The Game Starts Here-Beats by Dre | Rugby.

  After the Skype call my Task was to at look possible location that we can that is affordable, such as :

-Dance Studios 

 Apparently there was a dance studio in Aldershot, so i had to research if this was true and also research on The Malting I went there to see one of my friend drama performance and saw a dance studio lurking around the building thought this could be perfect for us since the location is not that far.


I have already contract a particular friend of mine, who have an amazing flat that will be perfect for our scene, I contracted her however, I had to wait for her response for her landlord.


See any possible field site in Farnham that we can possibly us in the location or any that have big open spaces that could be a potential for our dancer. 

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