Meeting w/ Andre and Klara


So we develop the idea of the Costume of the 'soul' from our last meeting. Expanding on the idea of the mask and what she will wear for the performance.

 The colours that we were looking for Is vibrant colours however having gold as our main colour scheme.
We were inspired by Masion Martin margiela mask- by Kanye west Mask, also using colours such as colours such as cold scheme, having violent and blues and green and then incorporating reds and vibrant yellows in the clips,We would like to have the Mask covering the whole face.
The energy is shown as a lifeless, and it represent as the soul hence the reason for the face is not shown. The mask will represent either her personality and idenity, we was looking toward having   whole body she will be wearing a skinny bodysuit however minimal designed pattern. 

 Couture Mask 

They way I looked at the mask was an intricate fully designed mask, I thought Indian pattern have detail pattern with vibrant colors.

Also look at possible song that we might use in dance video, looking for more of an upbeat tempo that not the traditional.

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