Choreography session


So I did a session with Malfalda and we practiced in the G28 Building different types of moves, I literally decide to improvise and use a set of terminology such as growth, spinning, and swirls and we used different set of contemporary music that is similar to the one that we want to used after. We also sat together to figure out the moves if you click here you will see the table me and Malfada as talking together, I had a chat and made note to depicted her personality in her dance moves

I also attended dance class with rachel dancer this really help me understand the idea of process when you get to do it, also make a break down from learning differect segments of a routine then different to putting the moves together to make a routine

Malfada also gave me this website called nowness this is an website that a make dance, music and culture this also give me inspiration I kept research shot techniques my scrolling video to get inspiration from 

Here is some inspiration that I looked upon in this video, I was really inspired by the movement that was followed by her tiptoes. And the sublte gesture she have done

 Here is another video I enjoy, this is almost like a documentary of how people are training to do a rehearsals and a collective, I'm researching as to how the camera depict different movements and sections of movements and the ideas of progress is done in the clip. 

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