Photography Workshop (Raw Files)


So I sneaked my way into a photography workshop,the first advanced photography workshop was already useful from the get go, it gave a lot of information in term always using Raw files, that the one format that we should used always used Raw file, when taking photography. The reason for this is because Raw files pick up image data that capture by camera sensor, this means that we are capable of capture the best visual representation, its a digital negative that can only be processed with software like Photoshop before we even viewed the file. If we can see the raw file this will capture the entire highlight and shadow.  To set up this in your camera different camera companies  have there own names like Canon- CRW/CR2, Nikon- NEF, and the Sony- ARW. 

Color bit depth 

Raw files hold the most amount of colour depth equal to the capability of the camera sensor. Colour bit depth is the total number levels available for every colour capture, most  SLR camera capture 12bit or 14bit colour depth. that is the tone range for the whites white to the darkest black, using the Jpeg files  have 8 bits= 256 tonal levels,  this means the whites white are put into small sections this means it will lose the detail and the definition of the colour.

Colour Space Profile

The colour space is applience used for colour model, this is an three dimensional piece that show that colour of several colour space and how this could represent each other. The profile is an numerical mode of a colour space, describing the colour values and interpreting it correctly.

This screen shot show the comparision between sRGB and Adobe RGB (1998 )spaces showing the different colour space which have, looking at this Adobe RGB have a more colour range then sRGB

If we compares to sRGB and ProPhoto RBG notice the comparison between them  ProPhoto RBG has more range of colour space and has a wider range of colour compared to RBG this is because PhoPhoto has a universal standard of high editing image, this also include colour that the human eye can see.  


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