

So I research on the idea of memory and whats ist definitation and its meaning behind the terminiology

Memory is the process in which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Encoding allows information from the outside world to be sensed in the form of chemical and physical stimuli. In the first stage the information must be changed so that it may be put into the encoding process. Storage is the second memory stage or process

Memory Loss

I had an idea to show using mix collage video the idea of memory loss, a memory that is disappearing and slowly fading away from you. I thought about the time where I didn't remember anything from when I moves in to the UK, my memory from my childhood is now loss.

Characterized by memories impairment as a result of a traumatic events, losing the ability to remember information, the memories loss goes over the years.

I wanted to use mix media style work such as video collage to create a narrative based upon the idea of memory loss, or something that you can't remember, or have no memories of, I thought that the idea use of using home video to represent a memory and use digital Dlsr or modern film camera to represent the present.

I then had an idea to us audio of when I was 4 years of age to cause I don't really remember that much of those year. When I moves to England I was really fluent in speaking my language and then as I got used to the English culture even for a young age, forgot, I don't really remember the time when I was in Tanzania in such an age. Like we would be sitting looking at footage tape, my mum could remember previous friend I had, but for me I just could remember, it was just another girl. 
I wanted to used an audio tape that was a audio of me and my family talking in a my mother tough called Swahili, listern to the tape made me nostalgic, it funny cause I couldn't remember this day taking place, to me listern to this tape just sound like a little  girl just talking to me really.
So my dad sent me the tape to me and I looked through them an see what I would do with this tapes.

Here is the audio link

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