Inital Ideas and group Collabration


The dance video is something I would love to do as a project for personal reason, dance was something I used to when I was infant so doing this project made me nostalgic and  have memories of the past that  I almost forgot, I think the dance video has a unique platform since its different from any films I ever came across. I  think its a interesting platform to break way camera conventions and norms of traditional use of media.

In this project I think the spark I got from most of Rachel lessons is the dynamic moves of the dancer and the moving music that compliments, to tell a story or narrative by dance, expressing emotion and feeling through movement of the body.

I didn't initially have an idea, however music it something that came to my mind now and again, especially in  Rachel workshop when we had to dance ourselves showing moves to act 'graceful' in a movement by gradually swaying your arms. Personally I think dance and music works together especially if you want to show an moving piece the music have to be just as strong with great sympathy and medium. I kinder get the sense that the dance I would want to be is gonna be moving in the creates empthy for the audience  and to identify through the movement of the dance.

I came across Andre and Klara idea, which is about being the best you can be in, reaching through the tough moments and persisting on in life to get where you want. I thought this mind set was sort of thing I was looking toward as most people can relate to this.


Andre idea was  about a person who want to be in a big role in a dance performance as she wants to prove herself that she is capable of doing the role, by consistently practicing her moves repeatably she will be able to get the role she played and do it in perfection.

To portray this they will be two reality, one stage(preparation) this will be the dancer preparing the moves and working hard on the moves another stage will be( the goal that have been achieved) this will show the dancers performance in the show, the achieved results, there will be an experimenting in lights to show the mood of the character in the dancer performance.

The two stages will interlink with each other, so kind of like Women(reading) from my last post it will show the camera in the same position but different location. One stage will symbolism a location so essentially they will be two location which will be sync with each other show the two connects. 

This also followed upon Klara idea on spiral instead of the traditional way of showing the narrative from beginning to end we can show as a spiral and never ending process.

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