Reflection on Map and Journeys



Research and Planning
This project have been an interesting journey to take, most of it was a constant change of ideas and concept, I think we depict a very difficult subject to cover in turns of underlying the issues of culture stereotypes, I think we could of research and enormous amount of research based on culture difference and theory of stereotypes.I think we just scratch the surface of stereotypes in countries and cultures

The lack of preparation in the production stages of filming the documentary could done it better in terms of location and permission like filming in London on that rainy day this was mainly my wrong behave. The video clip that we have produced wasn't in our best of our abilities.


 For the Group
There were numerous mistakes that could of been easily avoid, however I suppose the idea develop more interesting when we contribute to the practical level of making our own interpretation  of the three countries ,the idea develop more interesting in an using different mix media work to create an collage piece however this was too late resulting for what we have a group.

For myself
For me as a person I think I should be not afraid to take risk, this project was a little safe in terms of ideas development and how it result to and to be more confident on my abilities, and really stretch what I can really do.

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