Dance Video Brainstorm


So starting with our new brief of our project dance video, this is a very unusual mix, I usually see dance as a entertainment in concerts and live performances, usually amazed with the choreography of the dance group, and being in synchronize with each other, so I struggled  to come up with ideas as we never came across this time of video before. However doing research of music videos and dance video that have been done given me the platform to create to at least have some aspect of the use of editing cuts.

This video is one of the inspiration thought I had in mind with different environment or perspective but same movements, but interlink with each moves. Its useful to know that the moves still have different camera angles, however the dance express the same moves in different locations, I also love the dynamic range of moves the dancers creates, and how the camera shots empathized by, slight slow motion feature it creates, a more moving piece as it shows close up of the dances technique more and precision of the moves.

 Maya Deren Study in Choreography for Camera also have the same cutting method however the Camera movement is much more slow in movement, the cut wasn't fast pace like Women, however looking at the film its interesting to know the techniques of a 1940s film still capture, I think this film focus on the use of space and where the dancer is positioned, most of the consistent use of wide shots creates the idea of being alone, no other being but himself, he is surrounded the space around him , freely able to dance in any environment.

This piece video show peaceful dance piece the dancer moves are very graceful as he gradually moves into one position to the next, the movement shows subtle and cared thought moves this correspond perfectly well in the woodland area as nature symbolized peace and well being.

This short clip called Nine variation on a dance theme de Hilary Harris it was interesting in the way the camera shots, it was a simplistic video, but it nice to see the way the camera follows the dancer in ever she using the whole space to show the dynamics of the moves, it show a variety of camera movements extreme close up shots of her thighs and hand gestures which I like the most  it almost give a sense of ambiguity as we don't see the face of the dancer, the shots was also in beat with the music.

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