Rachel's Workshop


Today Rachel came with professional dancers to use, before the workshop I had a task of looking at some music, to get inspired to and to describe , I know that music is very powerful and I love the way music and dancer show the feeling a emotions of the dance. 'To let it loss' dances as a platform to express the feelings in dance. 

Ten Walls-Walking with Elephants

I like the beginning of the the walking with elephants is have an upbeats tempo, the beat of the drum act like a heart beat that is racing faster, create an intense moment, I thought this could work well we the dancer is practicing to the moves in the studio, the intense music created a suspense, a motivated music, to keep going and carry on dancing.

Heinali- Sway,Sway

The piano piece is repetitive with the same set of beat although out, its very monotone, there not much variation in the type of musical notes unlike the previous piece, since its most of the notes are C flat, create shallow this set the mood of the piece in a very distressed feel, however this contrast by really high pitch piano key that in between the notes creates a more hopeful note. Bring it together  music shows a feeling of pondering or contemplating on something, to be mindful or to reflected upon. This piece will work perfectly well on idea of self doubting, in the story when she doesn't know whether she if she is capable of doing the dance moves. Or it can also show when she determined to also do the moves.

Alan Walker-Fade

This was just a research on other types of music that we can use or even study from, if we want to mix both traditional and contemporary music, I thought I would listen to something that is much more different in term of style and to get inspire from, and I thought this music is really good to describe and understand the rhythm and the beat, the tune have varied ratios however most dominant is the high repetitive techno beat this set the music in a very cheerful atmosphere.  

During Rachel's workshop, I showed the music to my fellow group and they preferred Heinali sway, sway,  they agreed that sway sway had a more moving piece then the other music choice and the music interlink more with synopsis.

We than see how this could be done with the dancers that is on with Walking Elephants, we focus on the idea of practice and how that could be displayed in dance, the dancers try the idea of  repetition, when you are practicing the moves we initially have to repeat the moves over and over until we got it right. However they repeat the moves however adding more moves to it to show the idea of progress.
We then look at the dancers individually, as a solo dancer and to see the moves that they can come up with.

We then did the music Heinali sway sway, this time it was when she is demotivated and not willing to move on, I have notice the way the dancer us the use of space, dancer moves either in a corner of the room or lay of the floor more the motion in which

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