

So at the start for all of us there was define a lack of communication for all us, I think for me , I haven't work with the dfsa before so I thought I must try to see what will the experience will be for me

I think during the per-production we knew we were doing such an brave, and there was so much work to have been done in those period, I think that was one of thing that I really enjoys was trying really had to make this a unique dance video. I thought since most of us haven't work us, we were being too safe i our options and we didn't wanted to get anyone upset, this could be the reason as to why it was so slow, means there was a lot of catching up to do that we had to do.

I also wanted do the choreography of the piece and that something that I was looking forward to, after a while I then change my role as a Assistant director, this was really short notice since we kept changing our role so many times, as a assistant director I wasn't confident enough to officially do my role pro pally, I felt in some case I let the team down since we was constantly behind and that was my fault taken, I have tried to take some knowledge of assistance directing but honestly I felt like it was too much of a bigger role for me to take in such a small amount of time, if I had a longer time then I would take this much differently.

I enjoyed working with Kiruna our dancer she was understands and listen, and she know what she is doing, I think we needed more rehearsals, i thought when we practices she was doing fine however when actually filmed , there was some few step she missed and so I felt she wasn't herself when filming the breathe studio. however when we filmed in the Student union she felt more her self n stage since she was comfortable to do her moves. Overall I found working with her a great experience.

This was an eye opener for me, a stressful experience next I need to be more confident in what I'm doing and make sure that I'm engage fully with the role, and not be be afraid to take risk and to say no, in any situations, I think if you some up one think I learn and that is confidence and that is something that I'm learning to do.

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