Dance Film


Day 1 of 5
 Croosbury Common
So the first day of the Shoot there so many problems  from the start, it all start when we all met to Klara house at 9:00 sharp, before we can even get to the location, it has already rained and poor with rain , however we have limited time with the glide cam so we just had to get on with the job. I was making sure that the dancer was nice and dry, with the umbrella, we were running behind schedule since we did two trip to get to the location. It was such as long day, I think we should of been more prepare for cold weather, most of our hand got really numb after we done the shoot.

Day 2 of 5
 Breathe Studio
So we filmed in the breathe studio, we had a little dilemma  at the start we the manger we had to film in a different day, and there was a bit of confusion, however with a lot of persuasion we manage to still be able to film from 2-5pm, we had limit time to shoot so it was crucial that the team was able to finish doing the shot, we were slow in the beginning  I had to make sure that we were not behind, I tried to keep time, them on board and make sure that we weren't following behind, I also had to recap the dancer the moves that we did from the rehearsals so that she is aware from which moves is correct.

Day 3 of 5
 Student Union 
So I made a call sheet and  before hand schedule to make sure that we know what we were doing before hand. me and Klara had to find ways of trapping the light through, this took time, we eventually got from help form Hannah the art technician to gives us black sheet of paper, we then use some duck tape to tape around the sheet of board, we help each other out to tape this together, once we have done, we then had to went straight into shooting cause we was 2 hours behind, however it didn't take us long to find out more issue came into the picture, the person we paid Owen wasn't able to control most to the lights and we find out, that he wasn't trained well enough to do the lights, this took time as well, however once we got the issue sorted we was ready to shoot, I made my queue to make sure the dancer know exactly what she is doing the the shoot.

Day 4 of 5
Amy's house
I did the call sheets, So this was filmed in Amy House we have the equipment soy in her house, I made sure the dancer was aware and the time allocated for her, once again we was following behind schedule since there was some issue with the shot list in the beginning we didn't look at the location beforehand so we had to change the shots the was accommodated to her,

Day 5 of 5
Amy's house
We did the additional shot that we mange to do in the previous

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