Research Animation


I also research on stop motion animation cause of my background I have done a lot of fine art, I wanted to see weather I look at animation cause, to show memory in animation, idea of using stop motion of painting like in every frame, I like that particular techniques because it shows set images.

 Again I kept look on things that I could be inspire to then came across college in my work, difference set of prints. Cause I think when you look at collage finding way of showing memory in using mixed media Showing the idea of

I also was inspired my Liz video he sent it to us I looked at this work, 'Late Anthropocene.' This video is the documented result of a series of performative, eco-art actions involving digital, biological, and geological re-codings

When looking at this video, I got the idea of using the idea of glitch techniques to show, trigger of something, but not the whole memory, and just and incite of an memory.  

 So I decided to collect all the old and new imagery past and photos my family have took and see what I could do with them.And then I research further of the glitch effect this whole idea, the reason for this was because I want to show glitch as a trigger of memory or long term memory that was from the past when someone tell you about it  you have suddenly remember in your head, but vividly not clear. used distort features like waves, to create that jolt effect. I also try to attempt this very same technique on aftereffect, import my image into the aftereffect, then in order to do the distorted images, I used a stork footage then in imported into the layer into the imagery.

Test run.

I did like a test run with the same imagery, to see if it could work, and see and the effect term out create I thought I could use this same techniques for all of my photos just to see, how this would term out to be.

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