Fields and Frame Update


Final video

So for my I used the glitch techniques by using after effects I look at tutorial instead of going with the water color ideas I thought I should use imagery and photos of the past to convey memory and the glitch effect  show the idea of vivid memory or trigger of a memory.Here is a screen shot of all the editing techniques that I uses, layer masking and ticking effect on the composition

So this project I explore much on using after effects, this was very sentimental for mer, and really personal since this is about my family , I think for future I would like to explore the animation, and I was really inspire by the gallery. Doing the process of doing the video was pretty stress in terms of getting the techniques right and make sure, I had got stuck with the field and frame I wanted to do lots of things however not enough time to do so. I thought this inspire me to get back into art this manifested something in me to get back into painting and actually try and do stop motion and see what type of work I could make out of it. I think going to the gallery was a really inspiring I thought that really help me get lots of ideas, and using digital media for art. I also learn in using the thing I learn to bring something out of it, this was the first time I actually did something that was personal, I usually try to avoid or block it of, for personal reason I thought that this help me as a person, to be really ambitious of my work, in my next project, and to step out my confront shell to really try techniques and experiment in different techniques. Overall it nor excally what I wanted and I think this could work more into it.

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