Tutorial w/ Kathleen


In this year project, I was struggling to come up with ideas and narrative that I really enjoy and liked, during the summer break, I brainstormed my ideas and thinks I might be considering of doing, looking at contemporary, I was really inspired by Film Production Grad Film, Spilt Milk, and the  correlation between two people and the relationship together, I think going in the theme of relationship is a good starting point to manipulate the film. Funny enough this is also the subject point that I am studing in my dissertation. So this could really link nicely. 

One of my favourite short film was from the Alumni day, Kode Between the Line. This is my favourite since this could my attention, the aspect in which they development of the relationship, and the blurred line between the performance and the  reality offering the relationship. Birdman also show that example as well, as at the end of the performance he fell on stage, almost risking his own life for the great. I love this film because of the voice over from Birdman himself his alter ego. 

Kathleen mention that idea of Questioning the Emotional Authenticity of the Character. The idea a dialogue contradicted itself from the action so , what's been said i different to what's it been done. Audience has empathy and compassion for in relationship. 

Books I need to read at:
I should explore the Alain de Botten, Essay on Love 

Looking in deeply in to Greek Philosophy - like Aristotle and his theory. 

Julia Kritera ,a feminist theory wrote a book on desire in cinema and Desire in Language

Lithany Sauss, the meaning of Love. 


Wanting to Convey a message and Audience feeling the mislead through the guys. I was also considering the idea of using Voice in either a poem or spoken word
So I also looking at The Voice in Cinema and the Auction Monogue. 
Considering making a collage through the use of film, so the Monologue or voice will lead through the film. 

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