Research - Monologue


I research films that provide an effective monologue and films that have inspired me, what I generally know in most of the time a monologue are often  be presented when the protagonist reveals their everyday situations that they deal or struggle with and the solutions which fix or mend the situation either from a life lesson or learning experience  it shows that audience part of the deepest  most thought that can people can either relate to or identity with. which personally I love to create and do, so I decide to watch film, which the character expresses their feelings and their believe for the audience, giving the protagonist perspective on their point of view. 

Gone Girl 'cool girl' Monologue

Gone Girl is one of the most iconic movies that was based upon a book, I really like this montage, this particular scene is the scene as she reveals her 'evil' plan to the audience, and the setup of her fake death but after that she makes a speech about 'cool girl' and the idea that females are based around there personality of other guys desires and wishes, instead of having your own agender and wished rather than faking you interest into guys, which she explained what she did with her husband Nick. The monologues of the 'cool girls' basically portrayed her ideal believes about men, and how she uses them to take her advantage. Reason why I like this montage, is that is shows her next what sh is going to plan next in her fake take as she disguise herself ,getting the material that she need her fake death. I also like the fact that this monologue connect to film nicely as she explain about 'comic' it pan slowly to a girls that dress like a pinup girls in the drive through this sort of visual connect to the speech. 

Birdman- Beginning Scene

Birdman is also a film show voiceover in throughout the, however this is shown differently as the voiceover in this one represent this alter-ego that he progressive to ponder in his mind. I also read the voiceover from the script to understand the layout of the script and to see how that language has been written . I sometimes watch the film while reading to script, which makes it easier to follow and understand visually how its been done. Having an voiceover in this scene is represent a separate character that is control and dictate his life as having recognition from the audience. 

Psycho - End scene 

I also look at the voice over from psycho this is similar to Birdman as he has a split personality, however this is show in a different way, the difference between Birdman and this film is that Birdman rejects his alter-ego (his birdman) while in psycho the guys becomes the grandma, through the voiceover with the grandma and the body language 'wont heard a fly' in addition to that breaking the 4th wall. 

The Irrational fear of Nothing

I look at as many examples that show the idea of voiceover and monologue in a different way, this is an short film with a simple narrative. This has been expressed differently by the use of everyday activity and the constant thought he thinks about thought this day. This sense of voice over show that use and idea of fear of judgment by others, it gives the viewer, a recognition that everybody relate to and understand, which they cleverly done by the use of the camera movement, making the camera behind  him as we literally move to his own world of thinking.

I looked at a many different types in which voiceover have been represented in film and research load in them of way that can be done, I also watch this video called Speak we are listening  this created a visual representation on the monologue that has been said in different combined clips which goes through the monologue. I this research I think I will look at more on monologues that will represent in the style like gone girls and develop my film through that sort of stylistic approach.

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