Ideas for Map and Journey


Maps and Journey could be incorporated in so many different ways, many of my ideas based in this projected to combined the elements of animation in the film based environment .

Kill Bill
This is one example that I inspired upon in the my film. Using different style of elements in the film by the style of moving images and different color in the film.

Animation to tell the back story a women assassin and her story.

Using Black and White sequences to tell the protagonist her back story and the brutal incident of her wedding.

Creating Blue Silhouette to show fighting scenes as a Japanese performance, this created an entertaining way of showing a fighting scene.

Quentin Tarantino has express in his limit of using different medium in his film to show different story line in his sequences.

Ideas of Map and Journey 

Although I wanted the piece to have different medium through out the film. I like the concept of telling a story that is based on a medium. I would like to focus in the psychology of a journey, the perspective of an individual. Having each story has it own medium. Or whether is using different props for a story each of them in the end combine together to form one big story. 

Inside out- people emotions are shown in the use of medium or style of movement and there reaction to a situation. People's mind journey is world, that would is effect by there environment and nurture.

One of the medium will be clay work to convey anger and frustration.
And use animations such as silhouette to convey the soft heart of the person


Jan svankmajer

Svankmajer is a filmmaker that use different medium in his film. This is an inspiring the way the story have been filmed. To create a narrative in a different medium, using similar style like svankmajer.

In my synopsis I would like to explore the failure in achievement and the battle we faced acknowledge the struggle, and use different medium. and the recovery we have to face.

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