Map and Journeys


The name of the project, is Map and Journey, this can be distributed in so many different ways weather its in a metaphor, or a journey through time, travel and space, it can be vary for different people in there experiences or someone else's experience.

 Art Installations

 One way of expression the Map and Journeys can be explored by Installations. This is by showing a set of medium where is shows a 3D experience in a use of video, sculptor. It express mainly on the use of space in gallery or environment, giving  the spectator a interaction with the piece of work  instead of just looking at the piece and observing it.


Antony Gormley

Antony Gormley is British sculptor,  widely known
for its sculptures that sculpted the famous angel of the north in North of England in 1994. He use a range of mediums in installations and public network to focus deeply on body language and space.

Antony Gormley
His work is based on the distributing the feelings and the emotions of a human body externally, showing human form in abstracted art and expressed by the patterns , and object. The space that interlinked with the objects shows an period of time or journey. This shows the viewer different perspective of the human form and the different types of expression it gives them.

Although his work is done by sculptures, it does show the ideas of  installation, it doesn't particularly focus mainly on the style of the sculptor but the outward connection of the space or environment that provide in , which in the reason why some people might conclude that it very minimalist. In a way it show the void and the emptiness in the room, that the figure or human sculptor fills it with. Its interesting because it let people not focus not only on the sculptor put the surrounding of the piece.

Quantum Cloud XVII
Quantum Cloud(the one above) is one of an example the Gormley works that ponders on the idea of space and time. This sculptor was made  in the year 2000 with material of  stainless steel. This show a human form by particles or neutrinos, however the particles decent further outwardly. It convey the idea of  expression of energy. The fact that it particles comes outwardly shows its emotion from the environment its in. it shows are very gradual expression, so it taking it in embracing the emptiness  that surround itself. 

James Turrell

James Turrell
James Turrell is an American artist the focus on the idea of  light and space in his artwork is to challenge viewers of perceptions of light . His famous piece was the Roden Crater , which is a natural carved cater that located in the Arizona in America. If you see it in a  bird eye view it look like a massive naked eye. His main profession  in art is working with light and the use of light in interior and exterior designs. Turrell give viewers not an object or a particular image to look at however the idea of wordlessness.  Gives the audience there own perspective as to what they are looking at and there own mindless thought.

 It strongly link with the idea of installation since it give the view a way of looking and observing light and how powerful light can travel or fill the space. He shows the  viewers now a different perceptive, things human take for granted. Enabling us to see clearly in a dark.

Aten Reign
  at Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation

 This piece called Aten  Reign is done by light rays that is done transcending as it goes further away from the light. This is work is done above the ceiling so viewers have to look up while also the  gradual change color from purple to this harsh red. This piece shows an peaceful atmosphere , an welcoming space to be. Light always symbolized powers and gracefulness, it always a connotation to good. So this piece shows the beauty of light for the viewer. Since it above your almost looking at the heavens

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