


The issue with my concept of the narrative since I'm using few medium it will be time consuming to do just by myself. So the downfall of my narrative is that I would have to have a lot of collaboration in order for this to work. It will be nice as a subject to have ideas from others peers cause the subject of failures


I have decide that it would be best to join the documentary with Nathan and Allen and to experiment with the mix medium with them so that I can find it easier for us to make it easier and to use there ideas to make an experimental documentary.

Documentary Project

This documentary project is about  challenging the perspective of the public and there opinion of other well known countries we choice Chinese, African, America, Japan and England  these countries usually have a particular images in them. So this will be done by interviewing people of all ages and local area about their perspective  of known and iconic country e.g America  and state to see if this statement is true by a fellow public who are originated for there, and to see there reaction about the viewpoints being mentioned and to see how they view their own county.

So this example is discussing the issue of views of people that is it healthy to have those representation of the country, it discuss the issue of weather we are too influence by the information is represented by mainstream media. And if there should be some action should be dealt with this issue.

In order to portray this is we will use different medium like animation or clay, art imagery  or even an object etc. to represent the unrealistic reputation of the public view of other country. Then we will show it to the people who are in those country and see how they react to  the imagery and share there view on the image and the feeling toward people perspective of there country.

This s a video of real Japanese people wearing geisha costume as a Halloween costume that is not really in the real origin of a real geisha in Japanese. This short documentary raise an issue of what is expectable in America and if its actually being racist to real  Japanese people.  The Japanese women reaction to the costume and  there feeling toward it show an false true of an Japanese dress that people don't address. This small clip is similar to the issues that  we wants  raise in our documentary.

This is a trailer from a documentary called Is the Man Who is Tall Happy? This was a conversion by Noam Chomsky he explain philosophical thoughts about happiness and meaning about this world.
 This documentary example is done by the use of animation it sometime cut to the filming of Chomsky speaking this techniques will be used to our documentary.

This example of what medium we can use to show of when addressing to the imagery he/she think about other countries and this can also be use to represent a person perspective of their own country by using diagrams and objects.

We wanted to collect the imagery from the interview that have opinion from other country and then after that  using the five native country we have chosen ,we will these people who are from this country how they feel about the objects and see if this imagery is true to what really is.

Final Projection
This five objects will be on display in the gallery for the audience to see these five object is the five countries that the public drawn for us in the interview.

Five object behind with our documentary film

Overall this documentary will be an interesting subject to cover and we are looking forward to know what we will end up coming of it.  

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