Simplified Version


Back Up Plan

This is just an back just in case the first project was too overwhelming and if we gave us to much to do in our hand.

We still plan to tolerate on the issue on inaccurate representation of a countries and the mainstream opinion have dominant in the media and whether those information will give us bad opinion or simple views of a country.  And giving people awareness of the information they get isn't always true and be more concern on the message that is getting to people and if opinion only formulate to only majors views. This could also show the means and to why there are so many confused opinions and the conflicts between country could be dealt with by just providing the real truth of what a country is.

Simplified Project Plan

We will still interview people from the public from different ages and background, the countries that we chose, we will still  want there thoughts and views associate about the country and what they iconic views of the country. And their opinion of the people of there country. And instead of doing an artwork, we will show people from the native country the opinion of the country. See if this is correct with their thought and opinions.

This is just an example of people interviewing public from the street and asking question that support the simplified version.

Camera Shots
The camerawork that we may be using for the interview as well, with basic medium shots and close up shot of there face of the public.

These are the shot that we might use for our documentary film, that I implanted in the documentary, I think we might use simple shots however having fast cuts on people dialogue so that we may have an a range opinions on the five native countries.

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