Girls on the Train-Research


I decided to do some research in the to develop and expand my idea, I watching Girl on the train as it has a similar idea to mine, the films is about a woman called Rachel who always watches a perfect couple while she is in a journey in the train, however in reality Megan is unhappy with her life  and wants to start her life over, however news reported her missing, girl on the train had a much more complicated plot when watching the film, the plot and narrative of the film help me a lot in visual and the character them. Here is the trailer to see what is all about.

This film was adapted to a book and it was interesting in which the film has been, it does a great job, making a character that shows mental illness and to put that into perspective, and we sympathies with rachel as she goes through her day to day lives drunk, the monologues in the beginning of the film, implies to what she think a perfect couples be as she watch the two couples on the balcony, and her thought of when she used to have this life, as she reminisce to something she doesn't have. However this is only Rachel thought, and perspective as the film get the instinct to the who rachel watches everyday which is megan, you start to realise that is was false representation and even for megan she doesn't feel satisfied with her life, and she explains through her monologue her disatifaction of her life and what she portrayed to be.

This film definitely gave me clarity as to what I want my short film to be about, I definitely want to play around in the idea of false thought that a character thinks, making false actuzation on something which isn't true and implying the idea of deception and liars that you tell yourself.leading the audience one way however making the audience lead the other way, I think the subject I am covering is very complicated, and i need to make sure.

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