Casting Application


Casting Application Forms  

For the Casting I tried to pick out the best websites that suit the theme and look at the applications forms.I had to also pick out the best and popular one that was reliable and trustworthy for us to get out the best actors that we can find.


Casing call pro is the best online recruitment that, with over 37,260 casting directors and employer already this was our best option to take for getting actors. 

To be unseen

To be unseen is also have reliable sources for casting director, is quick to apply, the workflow is much easier to get actors, an actor can apply directly to the job description 


The Stage

The stage is also a resources, however this website seem to be more related to theater than film, however this still is a great option to take for getting casts for our short film. 


Starnow, is mostly great for getting extra on board, since we need 10 extra, it will b more easier to get  extras than professional actors. to be honest, this would be our last option for casting. 

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