Lotus Flower


I tried to research on the Lotus flowers and what it conveys, it symbolism in the religious and spiritual sense. I looked at different types of religions and the difference in meaning in different culture. I see if this can link into my project, to try and see if I can get any ideas and inspiration for this.

Lotus Flower look pure and clean when around the dirty flower, The Lotus Flower is a represent the purity and cleanness, it can interpreted in many different ways in different religion such as Buddhism and Hinduism.

In Buddhism the Lotus flower is represented as  purity and spiritual awakening, it is described as a flower that is emerge in a dirty water and perfectly clean. This is a sign of rebirth in addition to the idea of purity. This lead into spiritual awakening, with the enlightenment.

The Pink Lotus Flower
In buddhism there are many color that symbolizes different meaning, however the pink lotus flower is considered to be the supreme of all.
The reason being is because the constant cycle the pink Lotus flower has to face, in the morning it goes up through the muddy pond and open up its petals, until the during the night the petal close again. Despite the constant emerging in the dirty pond the lotus flowers is still clean.

So the Lotus flower is considered a Sacred symbolism of rebirth, the state of the Lotus Flowers is representation as one person as the flowers as the heart,

There are other Lotus flower that symbolizes the same such as the white Lotus flower which symbolizes purity as well. but that is portrayed in Hinduism, of the Lotus Flower.

His bright blossom shares a wealth of symbolic portent. It does this most intensely in the East. China, Japan and Egypt all hold the lotus in high reverence. In fact, Ted Andrews (for whom I am totally cray cray) wrote: "The lotus is to the East, as the rose is to the West."

From sludgy, slimy waters, this brilliant blossom emerges. This is major symbolism folks. It is the metaphor for life as we know it.

poopy situation that counts. Sure... we can crawl under our misery, never lifting our heads to the light that beckons us. That's always an option. Or, we can be like the lotus. We can make the best of our crummy environment and rise above. Lotus flower meanings are all about aspiring to express, to live, to share beauty.

Humans often thrive when faced with brutal circumstances. This perplexes me. I often wonder why are the bad times more giving of lessons and change than the good times? Why can't we learn from joy? I suppose it's because we need to squat in the crud for awhile so we can be motivated to get out of the bog.

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