

This is an individual project on the idea of losing of language and the disappears with culture, there will be three set of short films that will be shown in the gallery. This will be 3mins short films of the, each with different meaning to culture, the first will be the second years experimental film then the second will be inspired by a swahili folktale called 'Youngest Daughter' which will be spoken in my language, The Last film will be a poem monologue about the disconnection of my language and culture with a poem this poem will be an overview of the 2 films and the disconnection with my past self. The visual body of the piece will be distributed with found imagery and video footages as a montage. This explore the theme of culture and identity, the cultural dilemma that I have experiences. This also explore the idea of the importance of family and how that impact my identity of myself.

The begins, with an 2 min experimented film in,with a audio of my mum and dad ad myself speaking in swahili, this audio is a conversation that I have with mother and father when I was a little girls just after when I came to england for the first time, the conversation is of trying remembering my relatives from Tanzania and places that I used to go when I was little this tape was recorded when I recently cames to the UK,  The film is a collections of uses photography, the found imagery consist of  landscapes and family photos of my relatives the photos is then shown in an TV glitch effect throughout the film to  repented as memory loss that I have tried to remember when I was little and the struggle to speak swahili.

The second film will be a story of a folktale called 'Youngest daughter'. This is about a young daughter who neglect her family to go into the safari without her mother permission to escape from her family, she came through some dangerous along the way, she soon decide to leave a go home. This is a moral story of life lesson old parent give to young children, and the importance of family  Although this can be seen on a completely metaphoric level as the main character‟s reintegration into the life of the family, or reconciliation with her past, it can also be interpreted literally as stressing the importance of healthy parent child relationships regardless of past disputes, and unconditional respect for elders. The visual effect of the film, would be deliberate this will represent found imagery of my family and the importance of family. this will be shown a photo montage of family pictures showing a glitching effect like the previous film.

The third film will be consistent with a poem that i wrote, the poem will be talking about the the idea of being disconnected with culture,, this will be finalised of the things, this will be shows like a photo montage,, showing found imagery and old video tape of my little self, you will then see collection of photos with glitching effect in most of the scene.

The film through is going to be a collection og found imagery and video montage, this will then be exploring with the context of losing your language and being separated to someone that you use to be, it about encountering to your old self and acknowledgement with the identity that people have now. For my audience I want this to be a self reflective video, that people can related to their own cultural difference. This is also about culturals acceptance and choosing to accept you identity and having more connection with your language.This also is exploring african tales and heritage that you don't usually see in the feel of film, this also to educated people, who don't really know about african heritage.

Research I made a bibliography of all the things that I did for my individual project, i think I have done some research and most of them are relevant, however I think I should research more on my visual ascpt. Here is the link

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